Critical Race Theory & Voter Suppression

Currently there is an assault on critical race theory (CRT) by many who desire to maintain the current power dynamics within the US ecological context.  By this I am referring to what some analysts describe politically as right-wing conservativeness that embraces neoliberal privatization and so-called “conservative values”. These adherents often proclaim a narrative of “American exceptionalism”, as a nation founded on supposed Christian values, the beacon of democracy, freedom and justice for all “from sea to shining sea” which upholds the rights of the individual to life, liberty and freedom of speech. Yet, any narrative that might critique or call into question these espoused beliefs is condemned by its elitists’ proponents as un-American heresy in much the same manner as conservatives  Kirk von Schleicher, Hindenburg and Franz von Papen in 1930’s Germany. 


Presentation: Narratives of Black Mothers: Child Readiness and Racism Voicing an Ecological Consciousness